June 8th 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Dress A Girl will be hosting a booth June 8th at Tall Timbers Park. This is a great opportunity to come check out this wonderful ministry. You won't want to miss out.
Dress A Girl meets on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00AM in the Activity Center. Please call the office to confirm meeting time.
Dress A Girl Around the World is a ministry that serves women and girls at risk. At Overgaard Baptist Church ladies sew in the comfort of their own home. On the third Saturday of the month, we gather together for fellowship and to collect he dresses. The dresses are packed at the church and then taken to a center where they are processed and shipped to girls and women all over the world. If you are gifted in the art of sewing, please contact the church office for more details about the ministry of Dress A Girl.
Office Phone 928.533.4483
Please note that all dresses are made to a certain pattern for this ministry so you will need to contact the office to ensure you have the correct pattern so you can start sewing.